All the FREE resources are grouped by lesson sets below.
Click on the lesson name or character to see all the posts linked to that passage.

Crippled Woman (Luke 13)

Matthew (Matthew 9)

Priscilla & Aquila (Acts 18)

Eutychus (Acts 20)

Nicodemus (John 3)

Witnesses to the crucifixion

Simons Mother-in-Law (Luke 4)

David Anointed (1 Samuel 16)

King Xerxes (Esther 6)

Mordecai (Esther 2)

Esther (Esther 4)

Josiah (2 Kings 22)

The Shepherd (Luke 2)

Elizabeth & Mary (Luke 1)

Philip & Ethiopian (Acts 8)

Abigail (1 Samuel 25)

Jairus & Daughter (Luke 8)

Anna (Luke 2)

Stephen (Acts 7)

Hannah (1 Samuel 1)

Martha & Mary (Luke 10)

Gideon (Judges 7)

The thankful leper (Luke 17)