Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Hannah & Samuel (1 Samuel 1).
Each hero’s page set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)




Card-English Hannah-Image Colouring-English




Card-Serbian Hannah-Image Colouring-Serbian


This worksheet about Hannah is suitable for all age groups, there is very little writing, one discussion prompt, and one bible verse to re-read.

The sheet consists of a prayer tree to fill in, a simple maze and a chance to give Samuel a new hairdo! The first activity, the tree, is the main focus. It is a chance to talk about evangelism, friendship and family. Don’t be concerned if during the conversation the children continue with the other activities on the page. Hannah’s actions are strange to our modern idea of family – do not be surprised if the children are negative towards her choice.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the image.


This craft is linked to the hero character of Hannah. It has 2 parts to it, you can either just make the character or you can make a simplified version into a picture frame.

Both these crafts use fine motor skills, involving a lot of scissor work. If you have younger children then you may want to do this as a group activity and pre-prepare the cut-outs, if not then see the other craft linked to this lesson which is designed for younger children – Hannah’s simple robe.



This craft looks great, and really is very very simple. Use any fabric you have on hand, as long as it’s a light colour, and decorate with felt tip pens or fabric pens if you have them.

You can make them full size as I did, scale them down, or even just make them out of paper.


If you want the teacher sheet then click HERE

Hannah is today’s Bible Hero because she showed us the gift of family

Essential Teachers notes:
This story is particularly suited if you have one Sunday set aside for the family, or for mothers.

The biblical passage is long but straightforward, if you have older children show them where the passage comes from, and let them read some of the highlighted verses out of their own bibles. For reference I’ve used the NIV translation.

Main Passage : 1 Samuel 1
Additional passage : 1 Samuel 2:18-21

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The hero in this story is Hannah, she is part of the ‘leaders of God’s people’ series as she built God’s family. Please note this lesson is not about Samuel, but Hannah. Samuel is a separate character.


Tangled Links – Get the children to stand in a tight circle and pass a ball of string from person to person, holding onto the string as it passes through their hands. Once everyone has a bit of the string get the children to untangle themselves.

Hand Relay – Sit with your palms faced up and your left hand under the right hand of your neighbour. Get the first person to say “in my family I have…” and then lifting your right hand tap your neighbours right hand and they mention someone in their family, and pass the tap on.


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