The hero in this story is the young Josiah, he is depicted as the child king and yet by the time of clearing the temple he is probably abut 26 years old, having reigned for 18 years. Yet he must have been, even as a child, a reliable king, to have reigned for 18 years.

Message paper fight – This game is totally unforgettable and any ‘typical little boys’ in your care will have a ball! prepare a big bag of scrunched up paper balls and tip them all over the room, don’t tell the children but on 3 pieces of paper write a bible verse before scrunching. Split your children into 2 groups and draw a line to divide your space into left and right. The children will act the part of the people clearing up the temple, but they decided to be lazy, and just throw the rubbish over to the other people to sort. Agree a signal to stop and then let them go, when they stop say the winning team is the one who found the treasure in the trash. They will probably look confused and then frantically start searching, if they don’t then prompt them!

King for a day – Have the kids imagine they are king for a day, make a simple paper crown (template download from here) and pass it round the circle. in a similar manner to ‘simon says’ have the other kids mime the kings request.