All the FREE resources are grouped by lesson sets below.
Click on the lesson name or character to see all the posts linked to that passage.

Ruth (Ruth 2)

Christmas Creatures

Naomi (Ruth 1)

Simon the Zealot (Matthew 12)

Jude Thaddaeus (John 14)

Samson – Delilah (Judges 16)

Samson – Manoah (Judges 13)

Little James (Luke 6)

Bartimaeus (Mark 10)

Magi (Matthew 2)

Apostle Philip (John 12)

James and John (Mark 10)

Thomas (John 20)

Hagar & Ishmael (Genesis 21)

Andrew (Matthew 4)

Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 17)

Nathanael (John 1)

Lot (Genesis 13)

Abram (Genesis 12)

Christmas Extra’s

Joseph & Mary (Matthew 1)

Woman at the well (John 4)

Gaius (3 John)