The lesson on Simon is both a lesson on rules and a story about a simple healing, this craft pushes Simon the Zealot to the side and just focus’ on the healing element. It’s simple flap reminds us what the hand was like before meeting Jesus but leaves us with the healed image of after the encounter. Simon the Zealot craft 3



For people like Simon being a Zealot was a big deal, while some have suggested it may have been a mere nickname, this man was obviously full of religious fervour. Unlike the Pharisees, Sadducees, and other religious leaders Jesus’s message hit a note with the Zealots as he talked transformation, but Zealots were ready to use force to get their message across, and Jesus clearly disagreed. Also in this Story we meet the man with the withered hand, his transformation is not ideological but physical. These games look at aspects of the Zealots views, Simon’s commitment to God and transformation in general.


I will fight – for this activity you need a couple of toy swords or newspaper swords. Gather the children in a circle and put the swords in the middle. Remind the children that swords are weapons, and while these are toys, real weapons are not to be played with. Ask the children to come up with reasons why they might fight. This can be silly, I like red better than blue, I prefer apple juice to orange juice… etc. When you find a person on each side of the argument they can have a pretend fight for 30 seconds. Once most of the children have had a go ask for serious reasons, things actually worth getting hurt for. If they come up with a suggestion they can play fight with a friend as a reward. Zealots believed fighting was the way to convince people they needed to change, did fighting make anyone change their minds in this activity?

Foolish leader – play follow the leader, make it fun and interesting my making big shapes and adding sounds. At one point in the game have the leader do something it is either unwise or impossible for everyone to follow. Stop the game and talk about why it’s not always wise to follow everything someone does. start the game again, at the end discuss who would be a good leader to follow in life.

Simon the Zealot worksheet
This Simon worksheet is a bit of a mixture of things, with themes of sabbath, healing, transformation and most importantly Simon’s status as a Zealot! It’s a sheet that could be used with younger children working in groups but is better for independent readers.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write and draw with.

The PDF can can be downloaded by clicking on the image.


This is a simple craft that can tie into either character in the story. These beautiful and really simple hand shaped bowls are both a lovely thing to take home and use as well as being a great thing to create a bold wall display with. Please note this activity needs close supervision.



Simon the Zealot is transformed by becoming part of Jesus’ Apostles, his change is psychological and not physical, meanwhile the man with the shrivelled hand undergoes a very physical transformation. This pop-up craft begs us to question how the characters are transformed and how does our relationship with Jesus transform us?



Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Simon the Zealot (Matthew 12).
Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)










Extra’s for this lesson


58G-extra-withered hand58G-extra-withered hand


Simon Zealot 
If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is Simon the Zealot because he show us the gift of Commitment.

Essential Teachers notes:
Children ride the latest fad hard and often being different equals exclusion. But being passionate about something doesn’t always go had in hand with other popular pursuits. Being a Zealot is just that, being zealous, passionate, about your beliefs – it would have made some of Jesus’ other companions uncomfortable choices for travelling partners.

Main Passage : Matthew 12
Additional passages : Matthew 10, 1 Samuel 21

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