The lesson on Little James is all about being selected. Rather than give you a lot of ideas there is only one provided here. This game is one that is worth revisiting as you work your way through the apostles series, plus the more you play the more tactical the game gets.

Alternatively, play a game that requires ‘selecting teams’ or link back to the Apostle crowd by using a game such as the Memory match cards.


Included – The aim of the game is to get through as many cards as possible while getting to know the group you are playing with. Shuffle the cards and then choose a player. Have the player turn over the top card and choose a person that the card applies to, that person is now in their group and can stand behind the player and assist them. Turn the next card and choose another child. You must to choose a child that fills a given description to move onto the next card. If you reach a card that does not apply to anyone not already in the group your turn has ended. Remove the final unfulfilled card, shuffle and chose another player.


Little James
This Little James worksheet looks at the 2 James’ and discusses the different things people have to offer as companions – we see the importance of everybody’s contribution while challenging ourselves to be the worthy disciples. The worksheet is best completed in small groups so the questions can be discussed. This worksheet is designed for independent readers, though it would be suitable for younger children with teacher support.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write and draw with.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the image.



These 12 sides balls are a great way of looking at the whole crowd of Apostles, they are also beautiful hanging from the ceiling!

Little James’ lesson is primarily about being selected, chosen, separated by Christ himself. If you need a ‘key’ to which picture belongs to which character then use this image.



Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Little James (Luke 6).
Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)











This is one of those simple ideas that can be such a good tool for discussion, play, and learning. These little body flip books are easy to make and can be used again and again for reminding yourself of the disciples. Each character is split into 3 parts (head, upper body, lower body) and they are jumbled on the pages you print them so you need to complete the craft to make the images. Split it into 2 books of 6 apostles or one big one. there is even a guide to match name to image on the back cover!

Use this as a game (find your apostle) or cut up the template to make micro jigsaws that can be used as a basic puzzle activity or combined with a sort of treasure hunt.


Little James 
If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is Little James because he show us the gift of selection

Essential Teachers notes:
Being included, chosen, selected is a huge part of childhood and often a key fear. Children learn in some ways through imitation and therefore comparison, we all crave acceptance. This is great story to launch the Apostles from, it’s a story about ordinary men with familiar stories, but also the idea that some stories are untold. Little James, perhaps younger, perhaps shorter, was by no means truly ‘lesser’, it may actually be the case that his contribution was greater, we will never know. Let the children use their imagination to fill in the blank spaces as you read.

Main Passage : Luke 6
Additional passages : Matthew 10, Mark 3, + others

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James-less-blogThere is a beautiful disconnect between our aspirations and our reality. We aspire to greatness, to leave a legacy, to make a name for ourselves, and yet humility and service don’t come with glowing awards. Indeed the greatest of saints will probably be people we have never heard the slightest utterance of their deeds, nor whispers of their names.

The lesson of James “the minor”, “the little”, “the lesser”, or “the younger” is probably the most vivid example of this. There must have been a great reason for Jesus to chose this man over the others who accompanied their party, but the reason remains obscured. Little James, perhaps younger, perhaps shorter, was by no means truly ‘lesser’ because his story is untold, it may actually be the case that his contribution was greater, we will never know.

We know so little. There was a James, that was not John’s brother, amongst the 12, all Gospel accounts clearly agree on this. Plus, there were others Jesus could have chosen, for Jesus chose, inferring a larger party. This is confirmed when Judas has exited himself from the picture and the disciples chose a replacement for him. We know that James “the great”, brother to John, was a more compelling figure in the group, indeed that James is part of Jesus’ inner circle… but this James, apart from his name and possibly his fathers, we hear no word.

So why should we take a session of our precious time to study a man who is rather unknown?
Firstly there are 12 disciples, they all deserve our attention. Secondly, if you examine the people you have met in your journeys who have shown Christ to you, will probably find more obscure than famous characters. Thirdly, blank spaces fascinate people, especially children, it lets their imagine come to the foreground.

Do join me in the coming weeks building a session to look at the possibilities, examine the reasons for Jesus choosing 12, imagine the purpose of choosing this James – what did he bring to the table, you never know, perhaps that was his speciality and he was the groups chef?


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