This is a really simple threading craft that can be as simple or complex as the children need it to be. Jude discovered the amazing love that we can find though Jesus and this heart is a nice reminder not only of that but of the group of disciples he was a part of. Jude Thaddaeus craft 3


This worksheet for the Apostle Jude Thaddaues is full of symbolism and confusion. Untangle the picture, discuss the images in the arrows and try and fill in the missing puzzle pieces either in small groups or pairs. Overall the sheet rejects the idea that we have to have all the answers. This is a big issue for youngsters who live a lot of their lives not being able to find out the ‘why’ and yet having an innate urge to ask the question.

To complete this worksheet the children need colouring pens, pencils or crayons.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the images.


Revelation is a lovely theme for this lesson on Jude Thaddaeus. Often we see revelation as understanding the whole picture but in reality often revelation is only getting a glimpse at part. This craft plays with that notion but revealing the various images one by one. If your group likes moving crafts or colouring then this is a nice combination of both, with the added bonus of being really easy to construct.



This is a craft mechanism from the archives reused because it’s a lovely example of revelation. As well as being a visually effective craft it uses the minimum of materials and can be done straight from the printer. It could be done with younger children though they could need help with cutting – though there is more room for error than you may imagine, though it does require a good level of cutting skill.



Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Jude Thaddaeus (John 14).
Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)








57-Card German57-Card German
57-Colouring-page German57-Colouring-page German



For this series Jude (Judas) Thaddaeus is given the gift of revelation, he sees the bigger meaning in part of Jesus’ teaching. Considering the apostles seem to stumble in and out of comprehension his question and it’s subsequent answer reveal a moment of increased clarity. Playing on the theme of revelation these games are suitable for a wide variety of groups.

Tangle – Grab yourself a big ball of string and arrange the kids in a circle. Throw that ball about letting it unravel as it goes until everybody is holding a bit… now time to untangle! Don’t let go of the string in your hands, just twist, turn, step over and under the string until you end up with a big circle. Link to how confusing and tangled some parts of faith can seem at first.


Replace the missing piece – Print some photo images. Remove one or more small sections from each image and stick it onto a piece of card. Write a letter on the cards with sections and number each large image. The object of the game is to match the letters and numbers. if you want to give your children a reason to move stick these around the room and make it a timed activity, this will encourage movement.

Guess the missing piece – Before or as an alternative to the above, hand out the small pieces and see if the children can identify the picture. This can also be done with a single piece of any jigsaw puzzle.


Jude Thaddaeus 
If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is Jude Thaddeaus because he show us the gift of Revelation

Essential Teachers notes:
Jude, Judas, Thaddeaus, no matter what name you call him he’s not the biggest star in the disciple crowd, but he is one of the Apostles and one that pipes in with an important question right at the end of Jesus’ ministry – Why us and not everyone? It’s a confusing question and one that many children pose… my does god not reveal himself more directly. It’s a good question to grapple with though providing pat answers can be dangerous.
Note: This is Jude/Judas Thaddeaus, not Judas Iscariot nor Jude/Judas the brother of Christ who wrote the epistle.

Main Passage : John 14
Additional passages : various

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