All the FREE resources are grouped by lesson sets below.
Click on the lesson name or character to see all the posts linked to that passage.

First 4 disciples (Mark 1)

John the Baptist (Matthew 3)

The Word (John 1)

The least of these (Matthew 25)

Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids (Matthew 25)

Religious Hypocrites (Matthew 23)

The Question about Taxes (Matthew 22)

Parable of the Banquet Guests (Luke 14)

Parable of the Bad Tenants (Matthew 21)

Parable of the Two Sons (Matthew 21)

Parable of the Vineyard Owner (Matthew 20)

Parable of the forgiven Debt (Matthew 18)

2 or 3 are gathered (Matthew 18)

Peter gets it wrong (Matthew 16)

Who Am I ? Simon-Peter

Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15)

Bread of Life (Matthew 14)

Jacob’s Rachel and Leah (Genesis 29)

Jacob’s Ladder (Genesis 28)

Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25)

Rebekah & Isaac (Genesis 24)

Lamp Lighter (Luke 11)

The Rich Fool (Luke 12)