While this story is all about action, those actions are symbolised by two animals and because we can never have enough sheep crafts for bible stories (right!) this craft is a little sheep and goat that stand up. This would be a perfect pre-schooler craft as it really is super-duper simple!

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, scissors, and some paper glue.

Add some colour if you need to, then cut out the heads and bodies – they are very forgiving shapes.

Fold the body in half vertically.

Stick on the head at the top of one half.

You are finished! That uneven base now lets you stand your creation up, or lay them down for a better photo 😉

the Milosevic Family

Help keep the free items on this site free by donating. This site supports my family as we live by God's great economy.

A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

Download colour Download no colour

The least of these passage talks about an act of sorting. Sorting is something we learn from an early age and so lends itself well to games. The other element of the sorting is the revelation of truth. For very young children, any sorting game, toddler toys, wrapped boxes, or even just coloured scarfs can be a helpful way in. Here are some simple ideas for games and activities.

Sheep & Goat separation

Age group recommendation icon

All Ages

Smaller groups icon

Small group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Quiet game icon

Quiet game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

A printable game. Click on the image for the 2-page PDF download with instructions. Cut out a board and counters per player. The counters are mixed and placed in a bag. Players take it in turns to pull one counter. The counter is given to the right player. If you pull out your own counter, then go again. Sort your sheep and goats first to win. (For younger kids use counters, buttons, glass beads etc)

All about us

Age group recommendation icon

All Ages

Bigger groups icon

Big group

No setup-time required icon

No Setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Space needed icon

Space needed

The children can sort themselves into groups according to age, colour of clothes, eye colour, types of shoes, or other obvious physical features. Trying to avoid boy/girl splits, where possible, will help mix the group.

Truth or half-truth

Age group recommendation icon

All Ages

Any sized group icon

Any size group

No setup-time required icon

No Setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Space needed icon

Space needed

Read two statements and get the children to move from one side of the room to the other according to which statement is true. Including some religious statements like “Jesus loves me vs Jesus loves everybody” can lead well into the teaching.

Water dash

Age group recommendation icon

Ages 7+

Bigger groups icon

Big group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Space needed icon

Space needed

This works well outside and in hot weather. Half fill plastic cups with water, drop food colouring into about half the cups, so a quarter of the cups end up one colour and a quarter another. The children then have to fill their team’s bucket with just one colour. They should have to use at least some clear liquid to show how our actions spread.

Shape Recognition

Age group recommendation icon

Under 7’s

Smaller groups icon

Small group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Quiet game icon

Quiet game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

Draw around some objects and then get the youngsters to replace the right object in the empty gap. Any household item will do, but shapes with thin parts like scissors are especially effective.

These are the Character resources provided for: The least of these (Matthew 25)

For each passage, there is a collectable card alongside high-quality character images and a colouring page. All other graphics are extra’s!

Click on the images below to see a larger version. Save the images by right click + ‘save image as’ (computers) OR long press + ‘save image’ (mobile).

These images are NOT copyright free.

These resources are provided for personal/classroom use only.
Use can use them for teaching, games, publicity, decorations, big screen presentations, flannel graphs, stickers, or any other non-commercial activity in your church, school, home, or organised group.
You may not use them in products you are going to sell (both printed and digital). Nor may you upload the original images online, on websites, social media or in YouTube videos.
Any questions, please reach out to me using the contact page link at the end of the page.

The King separated the sheep and the goats, not because they were sheep and goats, but because some had truly served their fellow man (for the least of these) when the others hadn’t. This craft illustrates that separation. It is deliberately blank so that the older children can write their own messages on the wall and floor.

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, scissors, and some paper glue.

Add some colour if you need to, then cut out the three pieces.

Fold the background in half along the dotted line. Do this going in both directions.

Cut along the solid black lines.

Fold the three tabs upwards.

Turn over and repeat so the folds all go both ways.

The background needs to fold so it stands up, but the tabs stick out. Do the tabs one at a time.

Once all three are complete, your background is finished.

Attach the sheep and the goats. The sheep were on the King’s right-hand side!

the Milosevic Family

Help keep the free items on this site free by donating. This site supports my family as we live by God's great economy.

A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

Download colour Download no colour

This passage about separating the sheep and the goats, about putting your faith into action, about treating ‘the least of these’ like the king of all Heaven and Earth. It’s a beautiful if challenging passage and while I’ve written out a child-friendly version, it’s one of the passages that you could easily have your older kids read straight from scripture.

This retold version of the Bible passage is supplied for inspiration, feel free to omit or embellish to give it your personal voice.

Main Passage : Matthew 25

Biblical retelling of The Least of these  (Matthew 25) for youngsters.

Jesus was teaching his followers about what would happen in the future. He had asked them to be prepared, he had asked them to use their talents wisely, and he had one more big instruction.

“One day everyone will be separated.” said Jesus, looking around his followers. “Have you seen the shepherd in the fields, they sort the animals putting the sheep to the right and the goats to the left, people will be separated just like that.

“The king will turn to those on his right and say, “Come, join me in my kingdom.

“Come good servants for when I was hungry, you fed me, when I was thirsty, you gave me a drink, when I was a stranger you welcomed me. You clothed me when I was naked, cared for me when I was sick and visited me when I was in prison.”

The people on the king’s right will look confused, when did they feed the king? When did they welcome him as a stranger or care for him when sick?

The king will smile at the confusion and with great joy tell those on his right, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Then the king will turn to those on his left.

Leave here bad servants for when I was hungry, you didn’t feed me, when I was thirsty, you didn’t give me a drink, when I was a stranger you didn’t welcome me. You gave me no clothes when I was naked, no care when I was sick, and no visits when I was in prison.”

The crowd will protest. They had never seen the king hungry or thirsty, naked or sick, a stranger or in prison.

The king will turn in anger at them. “Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did not do for me.”

Jesus looked at his friends, did they understand? They were not supposed to just serve Jesus but serve each other as if every person they met was Jesus. They could believe in Jesus’ words, but they needed to act on them too.


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