Woman at the well (John 4) | Craft 1


I received an E-mail from the wonderful Jan who had taken the craft for Nicodemus and made it up for the woman at the well story. Little did I realise how much work she must have done to pull this off, but as requested I made up a version for her too with the full graphics and hero.

This craft is much less restrictive than the Nicodemus one, it has the three scenes, but no words. Instead there is space for you to make your own signs or write on the ground. If you want specific words / Bible verses I would suggest you print them in advance.


All you need to make this craft is a pair of scissors, glue, and two pages of the printout. Do not allow your printer to stretch the template. There are 3 pages to the PDF, the third page has the characters in black and white for those saving ink or with groups who love colouring.

For printing in Colour & No colour PDF – 2 pages colour, 1 page outline (3 total)



Start by cutting out everything, be careful to completely cut out the black slits for the well. Making these wide will help the well sit in place more smoothly.


This really is very easy to construct. Fold the small rectangular glue tabs forward and then simply glue the sides together up to the slits for the well. The well itself has a glue tab to show it’s size and should easily slip into the slits cut.


Attach to the base using the lines as a position guide. The character tabs do not need to be folded flush and are then glued onto the base anywhere in the correct section. The 2 crowd parts go with the houses, the woman is alone at the well, and the three disciples (Simon Peter with black hair, James and John looking more Jewish) are with the wheat field.




Finally add any text you wish. I left this blank because many people like to add Bible text to crafts, others prefer the children to have it in their own words. Stick the text to the ground or add a tab and have it standing up as I have.

PS. want a static picture to pin, click the ‘pin’ button below!




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