Witnesses to the crucifixion | Craft

32-M-00The central image to the witnesses to the crucifixion lesson (in large below) is really quite simple to recreate. I’ve made the mural image here from paper and fabric scraps. It could be made individually on a piece of printer paper or it could be made onto a noticeboard or wall in your teaching room, onto the floor of your hall or grass outside the church.

The pdf includes images for the three heroes in colour and as outlines (image below linked). I’ve not added a message to mine but the speech bubbles and the headings are included in the PDF file. If you would like individual images of the characters then please click on their names below the image.

Centurion, Beloved, Salome, Mother Mary, Mary

You need to create a dark background because the sky went dark, a space for the women to watch which isn’t too near,an earthy colour or green and a space for the soldiers, probably dry earth. You can use any medium you wish for this, eg: paper, sandpaper, fabric, grass, dirt, sand… etc.

Once you have placed the background and the characters you need to place the shadow of the cross. Ideally this would be a large grey transparent shape. Netting, sheer fabric or whatever transparent material you have on hand would work to stick on top. Alternatively paint a wash of colour or spray-paint a light layer onto the finished mural. Don’t worry about the colour that your shadow is, if the only transparent thing you can find is sweet wrappers make a stain glass window type of cross. The shadow and shape matter much more than the colour.





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