Wedding at Cana (John 2) | Craft 1


This is a classic craft for an ever popular story. It used a small window and a split pin to show the water changing into wine. When the transformation took place is unknown but that water was often added to wine is a staple fact of the time and region. This craft is quick and simple to do, it’s also a good craft for younger groups and the cutting is very forgiving – though I’d recommend preparing by removing the window in advance.


As well as the printout, to make this craft you will need a pair of scissors and a split pin. You may also need colouring pens if you are printing without colour. This craft works printed on paper or thin card.

For printing in full colour PDF – 1 page
For printing in reduced colour PDF – 1 page
For printing in outline only PDF – 1 page


Cut out the two large shapes.


Carefully remove the window between the jar and the goblet.


Make two small holes where the guide circles indicate.


Thread a split pin through the two pieces and open the arms to secure.


Rotate to watch the liquid pour.




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$ 24