The children (Luke 18) | Craft 2


In the grand scene of kids ministry the mobile has gone somewhat out of fashion, they’ve been overused, and badly at that, but it’s simplicity lends itself to this story perfectly. Here we see Jesus surrounded by children, there are no barriers. the words of Jesus stand proud and clear, a visual reminder that he will always welcome them.

Sadly my printer is behaving strangely so I apologise for the weak looking images.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors, glue or double sided sticky tape, some thread, and the printout. this is another one wher printing on thicker paper or thin card would help.

For printing in Colour PDF – 1 page
For printing in reduced colour PDF – 1 page
For printing everything with No colour PDF – 1 page


Start by adding any colour if needed and cutting out the pieces. I’ve once again added an optional white border to make cutting easier.


Match up the pieces. Place one of each pair to one side for now.


Cut three pieces of string or thread. I’ve used embroidery thread but any string will work. Make a loop in the top of one piece of string so the mobile can be hung. Trim any excess.



Lay the three pieces of string on the table and start to place one half of the pieces. Begin with the speech bubble. One you are happy with the layout we can start to fasten pieces in place.



To sticky pieces together you need to sandwich the string between the back and front pieces. Add glue or double sided sticky tape to the remaining half or each pair and then attach in position. Start from the top and work downwards.



Trim the string at the end of each line or items. This means below the 3 smaller hearts and at either topside of the speech bubble.



Enjoy your mobile. It’s very light so it won’t take much to hold it up.




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$ 24