Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 17) | Craft 2

Sarah and Abraham’s promise from God was quite literally written in a star, and this paper craft commemorates that by turning stars into babies. Quick to prepare and easy to do, it’s a great craft for the younger children or groups that are very limited by time. Star babies


For this craft you will need glue, scissors, some coloured or patterned paper, and the PDF printout.


Start by cutting your star. You can either make a template, do this by eye or use the one cut method. I used some scrapbook paper but any patterned, coloured, or even shiny paper would work. If the paper is thin you may want to mount it when you are done.

Don’t know the one cut method – try this video – it’s really simple and it really works!


Once you have your star you need the printout. This contains hands, feet, and hands, as well as a selection of labels. Choose the label that most suits your teaching time, or let the child choose. A little bit of glue and you’ve created a star baby!




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