Religious Hypocrites (Matthew 23) | Craft 1


The idea of the servant being the greatest is one that Jesus revisits in many passages, this little split pin craft looks at how not only the servant is the greatest but often the authority is also the least. It’s based on Matthew 23:11-12 where Jesus says “The greatest among you will be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”


link to TPT lesson set

To make this craft you will need the 1 page template printout, scissors, a split pin and an awl or hole punch.


Cut out the all three pieces.


Make a hole in each of the small circles.



Thread the split pin through the Jesus character, then his arms



Then thread through the background and open wide. Turn your creation over.
You can move both the arms and the body!




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