Rebekah & Isaac (Genesis 24) | Craft 1


Isaac and Rebekah have this lovely moment when dusty and tired Rebekah spots Isaac from her camel and picks him out at the handsome man in the field! This may seem a contrived tale but at it’s heart is a love story orchestrated through prayer. This super simple paper craft will be wobbling all over your craft table.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors and a glue stick. This craft works fine on standard paper but would also work on thin card.
Choose your template:
For printing with colour PDF – 1 page
For printing with no colour PDF – 1 page


Cut out the three pieces. I would recommend leaving a small white border to make cutting swifter!


Fold the circle in half along the sold line


Glue the top of the camel onto the legs taking care to line up the picture.


Cut the tab on Isaac along the sold line and fold each side opposite ways to form a stand


Wobble Rebekah over to her new husband!




Donations this month: target - $ 50

$ 24