Psalm 118 + Palm Sunday | Craft 2

Palm Sunday and Psalm 118 set such a vivid scene, the shouts of ‘blessed is he’ float on the air, turning from a song of praise into an event of joy with our saviour arriving on the donkey’s back. This craft captures. A gentle movement has the crowd waving their arms and branches.

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, scissors, and some paper glue.

Cut out the shapes – you don’t have to be exact but the people in the background do need to be separated.

Take the largest shape and fold it in half along the dotted line with the print on the inside.

Fold the ends of the strips backwards so we form an ‘M’ shaped fold.

Open out and fold the people face down.

Fold the Jesus support tab too. This goes print side out.

Glue Jesus and the donkey on the support tab.

Glue the leaves to the hands of the people in the crowd.

Hold either end of your creation in each hand and gently move your hands closer and further apart to see the donkey ‘walk’ and the crowd move

the Milosevic Family

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A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

Download colour Download no colour

US letter size
(8.5″ x 11″)

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