The Parable of the Two Sons – Matthew 21


Kids ministry lesson where Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard owner’s two sons who change their mind about helping out.

This pack is perfect for a short kids Sunday school session. A great lesson to use in the home, church, or classroom setting.

Lectionary week: Year A: Proper 21

Everything you need for a lesson tailored to your kids. Beautifully presented, clear and easy to follow or adapt.

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Lesson contains:
☛ Single sheet leaders notes condensed to save paper and ink.
  ✏ A telling of the story.
  ✏ 3 game suggestions.
  ✏ A memory verse.
  ✏ A prayer.
  ✏ A quick glance guide to the other pages.
☛ Two full colour printable craft templates.
  ✏ Visual guide to materials you need to gather.
  ✏ Instructions printed on the same page.
  ✏ A photograph of the craft.
☛ A collectible card and colouring picture page.
The main pack is 7 pages, including covers.
Both A4 and US letter sizes.

This is an older pack so does not have the second colouring picture or discussions page



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$ 7