The Least of These – Matthew 25


Kids ministry lesson on the teaching about the separation of the sheep and goats and the instruction that whatever you do for the least of these, you do for The King.

This pack is perfect for a short kids Sunday school session. A great lesson to use in the home, church, or classroom setting.

Lectionary week: Year A: Proper 29

Everything you need for a lesson tailored to your kids. Beautifully presented, clear and easy to follow or adapt.

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Lesson contains:
☛ Single sheet leaders notes condensed to save paper and ink.
  ✏ A telling of the story.
  ✏ 3 game suggestions.
  ✏ A memory verse.
  ✏ A prayer.
  ✏ A quick glance guide to the other pages.
☛ Two full colour printable craft templates.
  ✏ Visual guide to materials you need to gather.
  ✏ Instructions printed on the same page.
  ✏ A photograph of the craft.
☛ A collectible card and colouring picture page.
The main pack is 10 pages, including covers.
Both A4 and US letter sizes.

This is an older pack so does not have the second colouring picture or discussions page



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$ 24