Psalm 111 + family study.


Kids ministry lesson on Psalm 111
The psalmist praises God for his works.

JWL packs are formatted versions of the material, if you are using the whole lesson then ditch the paper pile and use these off the shelf packs.

Beautifully presented, clear and easy to follow with a single sheet printout plus craft templates. It is perfect for a short kids Sunday school session. It can be used in the home, church or classroom setting.

Lectionary week Year B – twelfth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 15)

Lesson pack contains :
> A telling of the story.
> 4 games. (+extra printable)
> 2 age differentiated craft templates.
> A memory verse.
> A prayer.
> A colouring picture.

Each Family study follows a similar format and the same passage. The crafts and colouring pictures are not duplicated.
Family study contains
> discussion prompts for Preschool age children
> discussion prompts for School age children
> discussion prompts for Teenage children
> 3 family activities.
> 1 craft templates.
> A colouring picture.
> A prayer card
> A memory verse + prayer from the lesson.

The pack is 8 pages including covers and available in both A4 and US letter sizes.



Donations this month: target - $ 50

$ 22