Peter gets it wrong (Matthew 16) | Games


Peter gets it wrong (Matthew 16)-Play


This is a passage a lot of people would rather skim, we don’t want to portray the angry Jesus who slings things like calling someone a devil. But this passage is so important to understanding not only Peter but the way the people of God could move from adoring crowds to chanting crucify. At the root of this passage Peter gets it wrong on the back of declaring Jesus the Messiah, his great high and painful low clashing back to back.



Nothing – Play this little board game, the rules are on the page but the basis is that you need to lose everything in order to win. You’ll need a lot of counters or coins. The pdf is accessible by clicking on the picture.


Follow the leader – this classic game ties in well to the story where Peter wanted Jesus to follow his dream not Jesus’ mission.


When I’m king… – A variant on what I’ll take to grandma’s this is a game about memorising a list. Each player lists a decree they’ll make when he or she becomes ruler, the following person has to add their decree to the list after recalling all that have gone before.


Feel bags – these are exactly what they sound like. Grab some bags and hide things inside, have the kids feel the outside and guess the contents. What clues do the bags give us, why did we get some right and some wrong? Link to Peter’ community having dreams of a Messiah, why did they get right and wrong given the clues they had?





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