Peter gets it wrong (Matthew 16) | Craft 2


Jesus’ words in this passage about carrying your cross have to be up there with some of his most famous sayings. While the focus of this passage could be that Peter gets it wrong, it could also be about this famous instruction. This craft pictures just that, a walking Jesus dragging a cross behind him. It’s a really simple craft and the only time consuming part is backing it onto thick card.


To make this craft you will need the printout, a pair of scissors, a stick (chopstick is ideal), a spit pin, an awl (or something to poke a hole) some tape and some glue

For printing in Colour PDF – 1 page
For printing without Colour PDF – 1 page


Back onto thick card and cut the pieces out.
This craft does work printed on paper or thin card but it’s flimsy and won’t last long, it’s really worth taking the time to back onto something sturdy.


Where the small circles indicate make holes for the split pin


Thread the split pin and open up on the reverse of the design



Add a stick to the main body of Jesus using tape.



gently roll Jesus to see his feet ‘walk’ as he carries the cross forward.




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