Pentecost (Acts 2) | Games

Pentecost is a day of movement, the elements of the story are dynamic, rushing wind, flickering flames, counting days and speaking tongues. These games tie into some of those ideas and are suitable for a variety of set-ups and groups.

Rebuilding the Flames

Age group recommendation icon

Under 7’s

Any sized group icon

Any size group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Noisy game icon

Quiet game

Space needed icon

Space needed

Print the picture provided and cut apart. Hide the pieces of the jigsaw around the room. Find all the pieces and reassemble the picture. (click on the image for PDF)
Link: Holy Spirit separated over each person’s head.

Who Has The Fire?

Age group recommendation icon

All Ages

Any sized group icon

Any size group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

Choose a child or adult to cover their eyes. Pass around a picture of a flame. When the person with the covered eyes says “STOP!”, the child holding the flame must hide it on their person. Can the person who covered their eyes find it? What clues can we give them?
Link: The Holy Spirit stays with us today even if we can’t see it.

10 Hallelujah

Age group recommendation icon

Under 7’s

Any sized group icon

Any size group

No setup-time required icon

No Setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

This building memory game has each person say a number, then an action. Eg. First person “1 clap,” second person “1 clap, 2 jump,” third person “1 clap, 2 jump, 3 spin,” and so on until you get to 10 and shout “hallelujah” and reset
Link: Waiting for the Holy Spirit.

Take aim

Age group recommendation icon

Ages 7+

Any sized group icon

Any size group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

For this game, you’ll need some small pieces of paper, a fan, and a tub of some kind. The challenge is to get the small pieces of paper across a gap into the tub. Once the child works out a way of doing this, introduce the fan. Talk about the effect the fan, and the wind it produced, had on the outcome.
Link : the Holy Spirit came as a wind as well as a flame.



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