Parable of the Pearl (Matthew 13) | Craft


The parable of the pearl begs for crafts using beads, and while we spent some time making cup and bead catchers, we also used all the beads collected for the story to make something wearable.

I used pipe cleaners as the base, because they are more forgiving when left empty (you only need a fraction of the number of beads to make a bracelet), they tend to hold the beads in place better, and don’t need knots to attach.

Grab a bunch of cheap bead bracelets and snip the elastic. Leave a pile of pipe-cleaners and beads in your craft area (we used a blanket on the floor) and let the kids be creative. It’s great practice of fine motor skills and surprisingly cheap for those on a tight budget.


While I was a bit worried about the younger boys in my group they actually did this surprisingly well and it engaged them for much longer than I expected.

If you really can’t find beads, or not very many, then you could use pasta or plastic straws cut into small pieces. Example




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