The Pharisees and Sadducees, two groups we love to paint as the bad guys, but amongst the bad apples were men seeking God, even if they were misguided. These games don’t play them as the bad guys, but rather as questioners, inquisitive about Jesus, even if their motivation wasn’t in the right place.
Riddles – Tough questions naturally link into riddles, if the kids have any of their own get them to share, if not then try this list of 10 easy riddles for children.
Too many rules – For this game you’ll probably need a whiteboard or a big sheet of paper to write the rules. tell the children they can help you make the rules for the game. start with these 3 rules. 1. each child must take it in turns to say a nursery rhyme or equivalent. 2. each child must try and follow as many rules as possible. 3. if the child completes the task they may add another rule.(example, first child recites “Hickory dickory dock” then adds the rule you must hold your thumb to your nose, second child recites “Incey Wincey Spider” then adds that you must use a squeaky voice …etc)
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