Simon the Zealot (Matthew 12) | Craft 3

The lesson on Simon is both a lesson on rules and a story about a simple healing, this craft pushes Simon the Zealot to the side and just focus’ on the healing element. It’s simple flap reminds us what the hand was like before meeting Jesus but leaves us with the healed image of after the encounter. Simon the Zealot craft 3

  …continue reading about Simon the Zealot (Matthew 12) | Craft 3

Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Craft 3

In a story all about walking this little craft gives the children a chance to walk… with their fingers at least. Finger hole puppets are easy to play with and the boat and waves give just enough scenery to set the story but not enough to get in the way. Simon-Peter craft 3

  …continue reading about Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Craft 3

Nathanael (John 1) | Craft 3

Nathanael discovered that Jesus really knew who he was and Nathanaels story starts when he’s sitting under a tree – it’s not a big leap to fingerprint trees from there. This is one of those lovely crafts that allow the child to choose how much involvement they wish to have; perhaps they just add a few leaves, perhaps they make patterns, perhaps they break out the colouring pens and add grass and landscape… it’s all up to them.

NB: I’ve gone for something that’s not a fig tree, because the shape worked so much better.
Nathanael craft 3

  …continue reading about Nathanael (John 1) | Craft 3

Jude Thaddaeus (John 14) | Craft 3

This is a really simple threading craft that can be as simple or complex as the children need it to be. Jude discovered the amazing love that we can find though Jesus and this heart is a nice reminder not only of that but of the group of disciples he was a part of. Jude Thaddaeus craft 3

  …continue reading about Jude Thaddaeus (John 14) | Craft 3

Matthew (Matthew 9) | Craft 3

This stick puppet theatre is a really simple craft, suitable for the younger children in your teaching time. Use it to tell the story of Matthew being called by Jesus, and you are feeling creative print out other bible heroes and use it for their stories too! Apostle Matthew craft 3

  …continue reading about Matthew (Matthew 9) | Craft 3


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