Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Worksheet

 Jonathan worksheet
This worksheet about Jonathan uses puzzles and codes to look at the story elements. It is suitable for independent readers and above. This worksheet would be suitable as both an individual time filler, or a group exploration and discussion piece.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write and draw with and some colouring pens or pencils.

The PDF can can be downloaded by clicking on the image.

Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Story

If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is Jonathan because he shows us the gift of Codes

Essential Teachers notes:
Kids love puzzles, they love secrets, and they love tricking people… the stories of Jonathan and his sister Michael tricking their father to safeguard David will resonate with a child’s sense of both mischief and justice. As this story doesn’t involve many people it’s written so that it can be acted out. While this story doesn’t directly refer to Michal and her idol switching trick do feel free to add it in if it helps. Please note : Jonathan is a character of much controversy and this lesson has been careful to avoid that.

Main Passage : 1 Samuel 20
Additional passages : 1 Samuel 18 & 19

—————————————- …continue reading about Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Story

Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Character Images


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Jonathan (1 Samuel 20).
Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)










Mordecai (Esther 2) | Craft 2


This Kings Gate paper craft is super swift and easy way to show Mordecai as he overhears the guards plans – it could also be used as a prop with the Esther lesson finger puppets.

Please note there are no pictures or instructions on this template.

…continue reading about Mordecai (Esther 2) | Craft 2

Jairus & Daughter (Luke 8) | Craft


The moment of a Jairus’ daughter waking is the most dramatic visually of the story. This paper model craft is a nice way of capturing that moment, and even has moving parts so the girl can indeed ‘wake up’ as Jesus commanded her to do.

The updated version of this craft has a much nicer feel – not only are the graphics for the characters and setting improved, there is a decorative table and the much requested inclusion of the Jesus character image. If you are looking for the old version you can find it here.

…continue reading about Jairus & Daughter (Luke 8) | Craft


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