Tabitha / Dorcas (Acts 9) | Game


These simple cards can be used in so many ways with different age groups. They all use the image of Tabitha / Dorcas though all are coloured slightly differently to show off the wonderful clothes that Tabitha made.

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Jonathan (1 Saumel 20) | Craft 2


This weaved Jonathan puzzle craft is deceptive, it looks like it would be easy but actually takes quite a lot of jiggling to get the image to line up. Not suitable for very young groups but a good challenge for the older kids. Once completed it can look amazing with a drop of colour and a bold colour card behind it.

…continue reading about Jonathan (1 Saumel 20) | Craft 2

Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Games


The story of Jonathan warning David is a minefield of game ideas, with propelling arrows, unwitting helpers and secret messages there is a wealth of ways your activities can go.


Arrows – launching arrows across your teaching space may fill you with joy or dread, either way the kids will love it. You can be true to the story using tiny bows and arrows (offsite link) or print these arrow heads (pictured) and attaching them to felt tip pens to play drop arrows.

…continue reading about Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Games

Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Craft 1


Shoot that arrow and say the code… sometimes you just need a basic craft that won’t tie you in knots trying to figure out how to get it looking right… thank God for the humble split pin. This is a craft for those groups that love colouring, for those who really only have a few minutes and those who know they will have to do all the cutting in advance.

…continue reading about Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Craft 1

Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Game


Turn your felt pens into arrows and drop them on the target. Sometimes just a little bit of creativity can give a game a great boost, this game is totally functional without the craft option but even more memorable with it.

Includes 1 arrow head and one target on the first page & 4 extra arrow heads on the second page.
(Ruth and Boaz are a match for each other!)

…continue reading about Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Game


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