Tabitha / Dorcas (Acts 9) | Craft 2


A while back I made these lovely twisty arm people for the Abram and Lot lessons and Tabitha’s character seemed perfect to bring the idea back for. They are quite plain so as to let the little fashion designers creativity loose!

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Tabitha / Dorcas (Acts 9) | Craft 1


It’s tempting to just play with clothes for the lesson on Tabitha but this little flip craft also reveals the true value was found in Tabitha’s heart and not here wardrobe.

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Tabitha / Dorcas (Acts 9) | Worksheet

Tabitha Dorcas worksheet
This worksheet about Tabitha used discussion and self reflection to look at the character of Tabitha and how she was viewed. It then asks the really tough question about why God chose her to be resurrected. Ending with a maze and a drawing challenge it is suitable for independent readers and above. This worksheet would be suitable as both an individual time filler, or a group exploration and discussion piece.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write and draw with, some colouring pens or pencils and a bible.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the image.

Tabitha / Dorcas (Acts 9) | Games


It’s easy to take the story of Tabitha the dressmaker and use it as an excuse to dress up, and while some of these games acknowledge that, the real power in the story is the influence this very ordinary woman had and how her resurrection built a strong local church in a multi ethnic area.


Puzzle Cards – These puzzle cards (click on image for post) are great for introducing the character image and the idea of Tabitha as a dressmaker. There are so many ways to use these cards, as puzzles, as a pairs type game, as a treasure hunt or as a way to identify the real Tabitha by removing one piece from each puzzle except one. If you want a more formal card game try dealing each child 5 cards and have them return 2. Shuffle the returned cards and deal 2 to each child until someone finds a whole set.
…continue reading about Tabitha / Dorcas (Acts 9) | Games

Tabitha / Dorcas (Acts 9) | Story

If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is Tabitha / Dorcas because she shows us the gift of Influence.

Essential Teachers notes:
Tabitha is a dangerous lesson, it’s a dangerous lesson not only because it suggests the awesome amount of power God bestows upon his followers, the influence a simple working woman who held a non-ministry position can have, or the way a single event can transform a community… but it suggests that we too can do the miraculous. Death is a dark subject to talk to youngsters about, it’s the end of a chapter and it’s a painful reminder to us all of loss. Suggesting that resurrection is something within our grasp could lead to some awkward discussions about why God allows the things we love to die. While this may be painful it can also be a powerful tool for teaching youngsters that God is able to step into even the most hopeless situation.

Main Passage : Acts 9
Additional passages : general gospel

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