Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1) | Craft 1


This simple Shiphrah and Puah origami craft is a lovely puzzle to play with when made. It has 3 images to reveal, the words, the midwifes and the superheroes.

…continue reading about Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1) | Craft 1

Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1) | Games


This story of Shiphrah and Puah’s simple deception and deep consequences may at first seem a funny subject for the frivolity of games, but with so many symbols to play on, the idea of super heroes, the lavishness of the pharaoh, the deception and protection it brought are all wonderful images to tie into playful activities.



Race the baby – This game requires a small pebble or object that can represent the baby. The idea of the game is for the loving family and friends to keep moving the baby before the midwife can find it. The midwife must call out a persons name and say the child’s name eg “ Aaron, Aaron, do you have the baby” Aaron then opens his hands palm side up to show if he does or doesn’t have the baby stone. The stone can be passed at any point excluding when the holders name is called. Link into the deception.

…continue reading about Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1) | Games

Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1) | Story

If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s heroes are Shiphrah and Puah because they shows us the gift of real Super heroes

Essential Teachers notes:
It’s important to note the background of midwifery. Shiphrah and Puah probably got married as teenagers and wanted to have children. In a heartbreaking practice, their lack of ability to conceive or carry would mean they become midwifes. These two , though failures in the eyes of society, are the very definition of a super hero: A powerful enemy, the lives of innocents at stake, and an evil plan to undo. There would be no Moses basket without these women.

Main Passage : Exodus 1

—————————————- …continue reading about Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1) | Story

The children (Luke 18) | Craft 2


In the grand scene of kids ministry the mobile has gone somewhat out of fashion, they’ve been overused, and badly at that, but it’s simplicity lends itself to this story perfectly. Here we see Jesus surrounded by children, there are no barriers. the words of Jesus stand proud and clear, a visual reminder that he will always welcome them.

Sadly my printer is behaving strangely so I apologise for the weak looking images.

…continue reading about The children (Luke 18) | Craft 2

The children (Luke 18) | Worksheet

The children worksheet
This worksheet about the Chidren meeting jesus looks at the barriers we may place between Jesus and others. It’s a sheet designed to use in small groups though it would be possible to complete independently. The sheet has multiple activities many of which are also discussion prompts, it’s quite a heavy worksheet, apart from the puzzle at the end.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write with as well as a bible (gospels only).

The PDF can can be downloaded by clicking on the image.


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