Zipphorah (Exodus 2) | Character Images


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Zipphorah & Moses.
Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)






Extra Graphics



76-Sister 176-Sister 1
76-Sister 276-Sister 2
76-Sister 376-Sister 3

76-Shepherd 176-Shepherd 1
76-Shepherd 276-Shepherd 2

Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Story

If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s heroes are Zipporah and Moses because they shows us the gift of history
Essential Teachers notes:
Often this story of Zipporah can feel unnecessary with such a long narrative, but it’s the story of Moses downfall and redemption, it’s the humanisation of a man whose face will one day shine from his direct contact with the divine. Without this story Moses can be seen as a man who just happened to be immensely blessed at every turn. This story would also work well as a script with a narrator and 4+ actors.

Main Passage : Exodus 2
—————————————- …continue reading about Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Story

Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Craft 2


Lots of biblical passages involve truly supernatural acts of wonder, but this story of Zipphorah and Moses is much more down to earth, it’s simplicity makes reenactment a great tool and so this shadow puppet theatre is ideal. This is an ideal small group or pairs activity.

…continue reading about Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Craft 2

Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Craft 1


Zipporah meets Moses at an interesting point in his life, she sees him through his act of chivalry, and yet the man she meets is broken, on the run. This act of chivalry is what is depicted in this craft, it’s a really simple foldable that helps the kids focus on the story and retell it to others.

…continue reading about Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Craft 1

Miriam (Exodus 2) | Craft


Miriam’s simple acceptance of the situation, her fast feet and logical thinking are really what ties this story together. So often this story becomes all about baskets and babies and the comparative opulence of the palace over the slave-hood of the mother, but Miriam’s simple and straightforward actions are more easily grasped for a child.

…continue reading about Miriam (Exodus 2) | Craft


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