Moses (Exodus 3) | Character Images


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Moses & the burning bush.
Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)






Extra Graphics – Moses at birth, 40 and the burning bush.



Moses (Exodus 3) | Story

If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is Moses because he shows us the gift of a plan
Essential Teachers notes:
The story of Moses encounter with the burning bush is iconic and as such can suffer from re-tellers errors. Before teaching this story it’s really important to go back and read exodus 3 and 4. This is a story where the board is set and everything prepared, it’s a story of ignition in more ways than one, it’s a story of God’s timing not our own, and a story of a master plan greater than the Hebrews, or even Moses, imagined.

Main Passage : Exodus 3-4
—————————————- …continue reading about Moses (Exodus 3) | Story

Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Games


Zipphorah meets Moses as a wanderer, a runaway, and yet as a man who acts honourably and helps her and her sisters. These games play with the key elements of the story, the runaway, the shepherd life and the well full of water. There is also a make/play post for this lesson (will add link when it arrives)


Wet sheep – If you are blessed with an outdoor area and a warm day this story is a perfect opportunity for water games. Grab a selection of small tables and call them sheep, have the children try and throw each sheep some water. According to age you could add in a scoring system according to which sheep is hit. For those stuck indoors this game works just as well with blue beanbags!

…continue reading about Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Games

Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Game


I couldn’t resist adding this little ‘guess who’ inspired game to this lesson on Zipporah and her seven sisters. It’s a simple print and go game and is great for getting to know the characters.

…continue reading about Zipporah (Exodus 2) | Game

Zipphorah (Exodus 2) | Worksheet

Shiphrah and Puah worksheet
This worksheet about Zipphorah and Moses is all about reflecting on truth. The truth of how Moses reached Zipphorah is not a cute story, and Zipphorah was my no means a simple person to meet with 6 sisters in tow – talk about a female dominated household. This worksheet is a mixture of puzzles and pondering with most activities having two elements. The worksheet can be done either independently or in a small group setting.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write with and to turn your imaginations on!

The PDF can can be downloaded by clicking on the image.


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