John the Baptist (Matthew 3) | Character Images


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to John the Baptist (Matthew 3).
(English, Serbian, German & Spanish)
The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.



08-John the baptist08-John the baptist






…continue reading about John the Baptist (Matthew 3) | Character Images

Moses (Exodus 3) | Craft 2


Moses story centres around that pivotal moment when he saw the flames surrounding the bush. Some crafts we just stumble across and that’s very much how this one came around, it’s simple enough to do with the younger children but older ones can add to this base by adding their own tiny flames to the branches.

…continue reading about Moses (Exodus 3) | Craft 2

Moses (Exodus 3) | Worksheet

Moses worksheet
This worksheet about Moses looks at the big story so far, it looks at how God equipps us through life for where he wants us to be and what he wants us to do. As a child this is a really comforting thought -ie we are not expected to topple goliaths because we are the same age as David was. It also discusses the fears moese had when God revealed why his life had taken the routes it had, it’s a sheet that needs discussion and so get your kids to work in small groups. The light fun at the end is a spot the sheep game.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write with and to turn your thinking caps on!

The PDF can can be downloaded by clicking on the image.

Moses (Exodus 3) | Games


Moses life is a great saga and this moment is the moment where the past present and future meet. Very few people experience a burning bush or Damascus road moment. However clear the message Moses isn’t a willing participant and some of these games take inspiration from that, others are more concrete in their link to the passage.


Let it not burn – The aim of this game is to build flames to engulf the shrub. In preparation you’ll need to cut enough flames for the challenge to be completed out of paper, tissue or crepe paper would also work well. If you are blessed to have a hardy real plant use it, if not then a pile of twigs or a photograph of a bush would work. Have your group, or groups race against the clock to cover the shrub with flames. For older groups make it a relay race.

…continue reading about Moses (Exodus 3) | Games

Moses (Exodus 3) | Craft 1


This Moses and the burning bush craft is simple enough for younger kids if pre-cut and open ended enough to allow older children to experiment with colour placing techniques. The burning bush did not burn and yet it was engulfed in fire, it is the central symbol of this story. I’ve gone to great lengths to make sure this craft needs no craft knife or windows cut into the paper, it works perfectly well on printer paper or thin card and is available to print in colour, partial colour (Moses left blank) or outline.

…continue reading about Moses (Exodus 3) | Craft 1


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