Wedding at Cana (John 2) | Worksheet

Wedding at Cana Worksheet
This worksheet about the Wedding at Cana and the miracle of turning water into wine follows the wedding party and the significance of this being the first miracle John records Jesus doing. If has a variety of identification, imaginative, and drawing activities alongside some open ended pondering questions. This worksheet is best for small groups work.

To complete the worksheet you will need some colouring pens or pencils and to turn your thinking caps on!

The PDF can can be downloaded by clicking on the image.

Wedding at Cana (John 2) | Games


A seven day wedding may seem crazy or completely normal, depending on your culture, but trying to work out how much drink for such an event must have been a challenge. These games look at the event as a whole, the joy of the party, the planers preparation and the way Jesus, together with the servants, stopped it being memorable for the wrong reasons.


Water Table – a play water table is something usually reserved for the preschool or infants, but playing with water is a great way into this story. If you can’t access one then use the largest flat container you can find. Add in cups, scoops funnels and various strainers, simple bath toys tubes especially. You can also extend to colour mixing with a drop of water based food colouring or cordials. Add in challenges for older kids, eg. “Can you find a way of filling the sieve?” or “how far can you get the water to travel?”
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Wedding at Cana (John 2) | Craft 1


This is a classic craft for an ever popular story. It used a small window and a split pin to show the water changing into wine. When the transformation took place is unknown but that water was often added to wine is a staple fact of the time and region. This craft is quick and simple to do, it’s also a good craft for younger groups and the cutting is very forgiving – though I’d recommend preparing by removing the window in advance.

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Wedding at Cana (John 2) | Character Images

Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to the Wedding at Cana (John 2) .
The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.







80-Master of the feast80-Master of the feast
80-Master-colouring of the feast80-Master-colouring of the feast


Wedding at Cana (John 2) | Story


If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is Jesus, he shows us the gift of PROVISION.

Essential Teachers notes:
There is a lot of details in this story that may peak a child’s interest, the need to finish the house, the wedding clothes, the relationship between the different parties, the idea of a head servant being master of the feast, the expensive water jars and the fascinating idea that Jesus would provide choice wine even if it was before ‘his time’.

I’ve chosen to make this wedding that of Jesus’ brother James, it helps explain why Mary intervened and why Jesus was not only invited but all his crowd was also there. I’ve been careful not to have James and Mary refer to each other as mother and son to be sensitive to those traditions that may struggle with this though their relationship is obviously family of some sort.

Main Passage : John 2
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