Pharaoh (Exodus 7) | Game


There is a lot of evidence the Pharaoh’s and their people enjoyed table games. Matching images is a lovely simple activity upon which many a game hangs, this classic is dominoes. Two pages of beautifully colourful symbols will give your group plenty of time to familiarize themselves with the plagues and how they must have seemed never ending for the Egyptian people.

Please note : this is not a complete set as it would have been huge, I’ve strategically removed the doubles plus 20 other cards.

…continue reading about Pharaoh (Exodus 7) | Game

Pharaoh (Exodus 7) | Craft 1


These Plagues scroll viewers showing Pharaoh, Moses and Aaron looking on, are a great storytelling tool. Simple turn one pole at a time to watch the plagues scroll past in order. All 10 plagues are represented.

…continue reading about Pharaoh (Exodus 7) | Craft 1

Pharaoh (Exodus 7) | Character Images

Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Pharaoh (Exodus 7-12).
The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.










Pharaoh (Exodus 7) | Story


If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is The Pharaoh, he shows us the gift of God’s signs.

Essential Teachers notes:
We join this story part way through, Moses has seen the burning bush and travelled back to Egypt. His brother Aaron is now by his side and it’s his voice that the Pharaoh hears and his staff that performs miracles. I’ve deliberately missed the staff turning into a snake part of this story but feel free to add it in if you wish though it’s quite a long story already. It’s pharaohs reactions that drive this story and his decision when it will end, that’s why he is the hero. I’ve provided flashcards for the retelling if you wish to download them:

Plagues cardsFor printing in full colour PDF – 2 pages
For printing in outline only PDF – 2 pages

Main Passage : Exodus 7-12

—————————————- …continue reading about Pharaoh (Exodus 7) | Story

Wedding at Cana (John 2) | Craft 2


The wedding at Cana miracle hinges on the collection of stone water jars of which this craft highlights. These empty contains give you a springboard for discussing how they can be filled. Coloured candy or popcorn would be great for taking home, or use for a play space with bright pompoms.

…continue reading about Wedding at Cana (John 2) | Craft 2


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