Prodigal Son (Luke 15) | Games


There are so many factors of the prodigal son, the willfulness of youth, the mistakes we all see coming, the journey, the pigs and ‘unfair’ cry of the brother, the acceptance of the father with his loving forgiveness and joyful welcome home. There are so many games that could tie into these themes but here are just a few that should suit a variety of ages and group setups.


Pig food – This game is ideally played small balls, like those you’d find in a ballpit. Pigs naturally root for their food using their snouts (noses) and having kids do this to find hidden objects would imitate that action. Split the teams into 2 and have one from each team root for at object at a time. If you want to incorporate a message in this game I’d recommend laminating words to build it.
…continue reading about Prodigal Son (Luke 15) | Games

Prodigal Son (Luke 15)| Game

This printable Prodigal son game is deliberately open. Its pathway is surrounded with images that allude to the party of the story. The only set rule is that when you land on a horse, then you can gallop forward 3 spaces. Dependent on the group, you could add in extra rules – land on a picture and have to explain what it could mean, roll a specific number to roll twice…etc. It has 42 squares and so 1 die is recommended but you could use 2 dice for a shorter game.

Age group recommendation icon

All Ages

Smaller groups icon

Small group

No setup-time required icon

No Setup time

Quiet game icon

Quiet game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

the Milosevic Family

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A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

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Prodigal Son (Luke 15) | Craft 1


This Prodigal son craft is a classic and simple enough for any age. The scene of the father running to meet his son is a beautiful reminder of God’s love for us.

…continue reading about Prodigal Son (Luke 15) | Craft 1

Prodigal Son (Luke 15) | Character Images

Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Prodigal Son (Luke 15).
The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.












Prodigal Son (Luke 15) | Story

If there ever was a story you probably don’t need notes for, this would be a contender, it’s also a great story to read directly from the bible. However, you’ll notice this version pads out a little of the assumptions that the story holds, making it a touch more obvious for little ears.

This retold version of the Bible passage is supplied for inspiration, feel free to omit or embellish to give it your personal voice.

Main Passage : Luke 15

Graphic for the biblical retelling of the Prodigal son story.

Jesus loved stories, he told stories to teach people about God the Father. One day, Jesus said;

“A man had two sons. The sons worked with the father and the fathers hired workers every day. When the day’s work was finished, the sons would gather with their friends and dream of things they wanted to do. The younger son dreamed of travelling the world.

But how could he travel the world when he had to work on the farm every day? He didn’t have time, and he didn’t have the money to pay for all the things he would need. After harvest, the younger son passed by the house and saw his father counting the farms’ money. One day, when his father died, all the farm, and it’s money, would be given to the two sons.

The younger son turned round and went into the house. He asked his father for his money now, so he could travel, now, not later. Sadly, the father divided all he had and gave the younger son a bag of gold. The next morning, the younger son took a horse and set off on his adventure. His father wept, for he did not know if he would ever see his son again.

Years passed. The father and the older son and the hired workers continued to work on the farm but heard nothing from the younger son.

The younger son saw many places. He went to parties and danced at dances, he lived in luxury and many people called themselves his friends for he was a rich man. But the land he was in started to struggle. Famine came and there was not enough food for everyone. His friends disappeared when his money was gone, and he was forced to find some work. The only job the younger son could find was taking care of the pigs. One day, he was staring at the animals’ food, wondering if it would make him sick if he stole some, when he realised his father’s hired workers were never this hungry. They always had food, even extra food.

He couldn’t return home, could he? He couldn’t go back to being ‘a son’ in his father’s house, for he had taken his money already? But… perhaps he could return as a hired worker? On the way home, he practised what he would say to his father. He would apologise and beg his father to let him work for him. But before he reached the farm, he saw his father running towards him. Was he angry? Would he send him away?

His father had woken that day like every other and walked to the furthest edge of the farm, hoping to see his son return. He did not know if his son was alive or dead, but he longed to see his face again. When a man in tattered clothes and head hung low appeared on the path, the father’s heart exploded with joy. He so excited to see his son that he ran great big strides to reach him, he hugged him and kissed him and sent for good clean clothes and the best feast to be prepared.

When the workday had ended, the older son returned from the fields to find a huge party at the house? When he learnt that the party was for his brother, he was very angry. The more he thought, the more angry he became. Why should he have a party? I’ve never had a party, and I’ve worked all these years, I’ve not gone and wasted money like he did. Now he’ll come back, and I’ll have to share the farm with him again? He was so angry that he wouldn’t even go into the house.

When his father came to find him, he listened to his anger. Then he reminded the older son that everything the father had would still be his one day… “but today we celebrate” he said, “for we thought your brother was dead, but he is alive, your brother was lost, and now he is found”

That’s how God the father loves you too”

Today’s hero is The prodigal son because he shows us the Father’s love.


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