Holy Week | Day 1

holyweekThis is the first in a five day mini series exploring holy week. Each day a small activity is linked to an event from the days leading up to Easter.

DAY 1 – Monday : Today we are looking at Jesus’s actions when he went into the temple and saw the money changers.

holy week Monday

These resources have been updated to print – each day is a single page.
You can grab the printable pages over in the TPT shop – perfect for send home boxes.
Each page contains the original resources below plus more.

There is also a version of the resources specially for Preschool and toddlers.

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Lamp Lighter (Luke 11) | Worksheet

Lamp Lighter (Luke 11) Worksheet
This worksheet looks at the idea of ‘Light’ and how Jesus used it as a teaching tool. It accompanies the lesson on the Lamp lighter but could be used for any light based passage. think of how we describe light and dark differently, create a light path, test your shape recognition to unscramble a verse, and decorate the streets with lights as you ponder how you could bring light to your world. Perfect for indipendant readers as a discussion tool or overflow activity.

To complete the worksheet you will need some color pencils, an eraser and to turn your thinking caps on!

The PDF can can be downloaded by clicking on the image.

Lamp Lighter (Luke 11) | Craft 1


This is such a classical image, the basket and the lamp-stand, the light spilling out. This simple spinning craft which shows the basket being removed from the light is lovely for any age group though younger groups may benefit from the pieces being pre-cut.

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Lamp Lighter (Luke 11) | Games




This story about the lamp lighter or the underlying passages about lamps and lamp stands are key Christian concepts for kids to grapple with. They use a very tactile and easy to demonstrate element – light. As such all these games play on the idea of light and vision and may need a darkened environment to work fully. Please check if your teaching area can have dimmed light before selecting the best activity for your group.



Catch the light – A beautifully simple game for little ones using multiple bright torches – have the group close their eyes while the adults or older kids shine the light into a given spot. when the kids open their eyes they must catch the light spot on their palm. this only works if the torch is placed or held stationary. talk about where light comes from and how it’s position effects how light the room is.
…continue reading about Lamp Lighter (Luke 11) | Games

Lamp Lighter (Luke 11) | Character Images

Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked the Lamp Lighter (Luke 11).
The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.




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