Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15) | Story


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Today’s heroes is the Canaanite Woman because she shows us the gift of Abundance

Essential Teachers notes:
This passage is sometimes shied away from in ministry circles because it seems Jesus’ actions are derogatory, he appears to insult the woman and those who do not come from the Jewish nation. It’s certainly a discussion older children may want to have as to why Jesus chooses to use this soft insult. But this passage is contains a much bigger challenge for churches today, the challenge to include the outsider, to allow God’s abundance to spill over the edges of the table we set.

Tell this story or a similar one of your choice from a favorite bible translation or story book.

Main Passage : Matthew 15

—————————————- …continue reading about Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15) | Story

Bread of Life (Matthew 14) | Games


Bread of life-Play


This passage can feel a little abstract as it relies on symbolism so the activities suggested here stick pretty solidly with exploring bread. For the older kids we can spread out to the ideas of symbolism and the confusion of the crowd. There are some printable ideas here as well to try and give you variety without moving away on a tangent.



Bread dominoes – Print this sheet of dominoes and play a round. It’s a small set so double up if you have extra kids. Grab the printout by clicking on the picture.

…continue reading about Bread of Life (Matthew 14) | Games

Bread of Life (Matthew 14) | Craft 2


This bread of life craft uses the classic split pin wheel to reveal the message. It’s a super simple craft and great for younger groups or groups who like to colour.

…continue reading about Bread of Life (Matthew 14) | Craft 2

Bread of Life (Matthew 14) | Craft 1


This bread of life craft is all about piecing together the parts and while the final product may look simple it’s easy to get it muddled. You can make it more sturdy by backing it onto thicker card though it works well just with paper too.

…continue reading about Bread of Life (Matthew 14) | Craft 1

Bread of Life (Matthew 14) | Character Images


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to the Bread of Life (Matthew 14).

Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)






Extra’s – (English Only).




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