This parable of Jesus is probably not the most popular with many, especially not bankers, but the kind of radical forgiveness it displays is sorely needed in today’s world. The idea of burning your last bridges, squandering your last chance, and ‘no way back’ are rife and yet, God never shuts that door to us and asks us to not shut that door to others. If you have older kids, it’s worth reminding them that forgive means not to hold it over someone’s head, but also not to necessarily forget. The king would have been wise to hesitate before lending the man more. Equally, forgiveness is granted when requested on our knees, acknowledging our shortcomings, not given automatically.
Tell this story or a similar one of your choice from a favourite bible translation or storybook. This version is supplied for inspiration, feel free to omit or embellish to give it your personal voice.
Main Passage : Matthew 18:21-35
Extra reference : Acts 1