David’s story is truly a saga. That young teen or boy that was called in from tending sheep to be anointed by Israel’s holy prophet, is now a thirty-year-old man in his prime. Anointed now as King, David recognises the squabbling between the tribes and knows he must unite them. Dwelling within anyone would lead to issues, and so he seeks a central place, controlled by none and yet flanked by Israelite’s — the stronghold of the Jebusites is perfect.
This retold version of the Bible passage is supplied for inspiration, feel free to omit or embellish to give it your personal voice.
Main Passage : 2 Samuel 5
Other passages : 1 Samuel 15 + 17.

Saul had died. It was the time God had been preparing David for since Samuel had come to his house many years before. It was time for David to be King.
The leaders of the tribes of Israel met David at Hebron. They made speeches. They praised the things David did. They talked about how, even when Saul was alive, it was David that they followed. They knew the Lord had called David to be a shepherd to the Israelite people, to guide them and fight for them. Then they took oil, just like the oil that had once anointed David king-in-waiting, but this time the oil would anoint him KING!
David looked at his army, men from different tribes, men who wanted something to unite them. He would unite them today, but he needed a place too. Somewhere in the middle of all the tribes. Somewhere he could build a city rule from. He knew just the place.
David led his men, the smell of the oil still on his forehead, to the city of the Jebusites. Their city was strong. It was on a hill with a big wall all the way around. The wall was thick and strong, and many armies had failed to get through. To the north, the tribe of Benjamin lived and to the south, the tribe of Judah, but neither claimed this city for they could not take it. It was perfect for David’s capital, but the Jebusites didn’t think so.
“You can’t take our city!” they jeered as they saw David’s army coming. “This city is so strong that even if we only let the blind and lame fight they would still defeat you!” they laughed. But David had been laughed at before. David was the boy who faced Goliath, not by his strength but by God’s. He knew there was a way to defeat this city. Soon he discovered it. Under the city, there were tunnels that were used for water. If the water could get out, then David could get in! David returned to his generals to let them into the plan. “Whoever attacks the Jebusites must go through the water shaft to reach the lame and the blind who despise David.” He told them, a smile playing on his lips.
Once the army got inside the city, their feet wet and hands dirty from climbing, the victory was easy. David threw out the Jebusites and built himself a new palace there. He set apart a place for the Ark of God to live and would eventually make plans for a temple to be built. He renamed his part of the city “the city of David;” the rest of the city was called Jerusalem. David became the most beloved king the Israelites ever had.