Zacchaeus (Luke 19) | Story

SrpskiIf you want the teacher sheet then click HERE

Zachaeus is today’s Bible hero because he shows us different sight.

Essential Teachers notes:
Sight in this card is simply about seeing, it’s not about future predictions.
Main Passage: Luke 19


Do you ever wish you were taller, imagine how much more you would see? The bible tells the story of a man who wished he was tall, his name was Zacchaeus, and he’s our bible hero for today.

Zacchaeus had a big job for a small man. Zachaeus collected tax from the people to send to the emperor. He would go round the houses with his scrolls and collect lots of money. People had to give Zacchaeua money for the emperor or they would get into trouble. When Zacchaeus wanted anything new he would charge people extra taxes and keep the money himself. It meant Zacchaeus had a nice house and lots of beautiful things, but he had no friends to share them with. The only people who liked Zacchaeus were the other tax collectors, and they weren’t very nice people either.
…continue reading about Zacchaeus (Luke 19) | Story

Zacchaeus (Luke 19) | Games


For this lesson I have 2 play posts. one is a specially modified game of eye spy. This one is the more usual collection of games. The games link with the themes; Vision, hiding, and sharing


Hide and seek – Traditionally it’s one of those games everyone knows, and if you have the space it’s great to play. I’d make sure you have a signal to say the game has ended. It ties in to the idea of Zacchaeus being hidden in the tree.

Boxed Limited view – you need a few cardboard boxes for this one. Punch a few small holes in the sides and then place a mystery object in the box. By shaking and peering through the holes the child has to identify the object.
…continue reading about Zacchaeus (Luke 19) | Games

Pavle Apostol (Acts 9-16) – Bezanja | Srpski


Ako želite da imate nastavničku karticu stisnite desni klik na aplikaciju koja se nalazi pored teksta i odštampajte aplikaciju kao krupnu stranicu.


Da li ste se ikada našli u nevolji?

Današnja priča vezana je za Pavla. Pitam se da li ti išta znaš vezano za Pavla. On je bio veliki učitelj u ranoj crkvi, napisao je gomilu reči u našoj bibliji i poogao je da poruka o Hrišćanstvu bude ispričana celom svetu. Pavle je bio veoma dobar u nailaženju na nevolje.

Pavle je sreo Isusa dok je putovao u Damask, on je trebalo je da uhapsi Hrišćane tamo, ali je on rešio da im se pridruži. Uskoro, ljudi koji su ga poslali u Damask otkrili su to i rešili da pošalju ljude da uhapse Pavla. Kada je čovek došao u grad Pavle je bio zarobljen. “Prati me”, rekao je jedan od Hrišćana i vodio je Pavla do kuće koja se nalazila uz zidine grada. Onda je postavio Pavla u veliku korpu, vezao dugačak kanap oko korpe i ispustio polako Pavla kroz prozor. Pavle je pobegao, ali je znao da Bog želi od njega da nastavi da govori ljudima o Isusu, pa je nastavio da radi to.
…continue reading about Pavle Apostol (Acts 9-16) – Bezanja | Srpski

Language update!


You may notice the life of Paul lesson has a few changes…

I’m starting to put up Serbian translation for the lessons themselves this week.

Each page will be translated by having a mirror post that you can get to by clicking on the Serbian flag icon, with the exception of the full lesson page where you’ll see both languages. Some of the worksheets and take home cards already have translation, but not the icon, be patient with me it will come.

If you speak a different language and would like me to put up your native tongue then I’m happy to remake resources and put up new pages as soon as I can get hold of the translated text.

The site organisation will remain in English, as it’s the most universal.

NB: This post will only appear on the feed and newest resources page, not in any category.

mistaken learning methodology

“Research has shown that we learn more about things for which we initially make incorrect predictions than for things for which our initial predictions are correct. The element of surprise in discovering we are wrong is conducive to learning.”

Most of us will nod our hear when we read the above, and yet we often teach as though it isn’t true. We expect crafts to look just like the photograph with the instructions, even though it was put together by a 6 year old. We give a child a bible and 10 minutes to find 2 passages in a minor prophet and then wonder why they haven’t found the first one when we go check on them.

We expect a child’s satisfaction with the lesson to be linked to our goals and expectations… IT’S NOT.

…continue reading about mistaken learning methodology


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