Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Games


This a different sort of play post. This lesson is designed to be more theatrical and exploratory than the others and so here are a few free form play ideas for you to work with. These ideas are mostly designed to be used after the story.


Cornflour goo mixture – mix cornflour (sometimes known as corn powder, a very fine white powder) and warm water to create a colloid which you can use as a liquid and a solid. If you fill a seed tray with the mixture then you can walk on the ‘water’ (jumping is even easier) as long as you do so with conviction and speed, just like with Peter, walking knowing God’s supporting you means you can do it, when you stop you sink! Alternatively you can fill a baking dish and place it on a towel and let the children play using their fingers or if you have them – dolls. It’s a very safe mixture, often used in nurseries. If you want to you can dry it out after use for storage but it does tend to smell after a couple of uses.
…continue reading about Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Games

Zacchaeus (Luke 19) | Craft

I will be using the tree template printout, but you can draw your own if you would rather. Mine can be found by clicking on the image. be prepared to put in some time with the craft knife as it can be a slow job to cut out all the trees for a large group.

You will need scissors, scalpel (optional), thick card, pencil, craft glue or double sided tape, printout, printout or wooden shape of Zacchaeus, and green tissue paper.

…continue reading about Zacchaeus (Luke 19) | Craft

Zacchaeus (Luke 19) | Character Images


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Zacchaeus (Luke 19)- (English and Serbian)
Each hero’s page set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.
The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use)












Zacchaeus (Luke 19) | Worksheet


This could be used as a discussion starter, a game, a craft or a worksheet. Jesus helped Zacchaeus to see the word differently, and that’s what this activity is all about. It’s diversity of uses means I could have placed it in many sections but as there is no worksheet I’ve placed it here in ‘Direct’.

You will need:

transparent red plastic
glasses pattern
thin ribbon, elastic or string
printout of tree
craft glue
double sided tape or a stapler.

Red transparent plastic is not difficult to source, but may take a specialised trip. I found the best thing to use can be found in stationary shops as protective covers for binding documents, they are reasonably priced and sturdy for cutting. Alternativly, try sheets or a roll used for wrapping food goods, wrapping for presents, and individual chocolate wrappers. The thing to be mindful of is that they are transparent and not Translucent or you won’t be able to see through the glasses.

This is a colour exclusion exercise. Jesus didn’t make the world round Zacchaeus change, nor did he heal him of his bad vision, rather he made him see that different things matter. The glasses will dull all red objects and make green objects stand out more. The image of the tree is covered in red, pink, and orange pictures, but with the glasses on only the green objects will stand out.
…continue reading about Zacchaeus (Luke 19) | Worksheet

Zakej (Luka 19) | Srpski

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Glavni Pasus: Luka 19


Da li ikad pozelite da ste vislji, zamislite koliko biste vise videli?Biblija nam govori pricu o coveku koji je zeleo da je visok, njegovo ime je bilo zakej, i on je nas biblijski heroj za danas.

Zakej je imao veliki posao za malog coveka. Zakej je skupljao porez od ljudi da bi ga slao imperatoru. On bi isao po kucama sa svojim spisima i skupljao gomile novca. Ljudi su morali da mu daju novac za imperatora ili bi bili u velikoj nevolji. Kad je Zakej zeleo nesto novo on bi naplatio ljudima veci porez i zadrzao novac za sebe. To je znacilp da je Zakej imao lepu kuci i gomilu lepih stvari, ali nije imao prijatelje sa kojima bi ih delio. Jedini ljudi kojima se Zakej svidjao su bili drugi skupljaci poreza, ali ni oni nisu bili dobri ljudi.

…continue reading about Zakej (Luka 19) | Srpski


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