Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Craft 2


This is one of two boats made for peter and his friends. It’s a larger version and can be made with or without the sail.

I will be using the boats template printout which is available by clicking on the image, it contains both boat templates so if you want instructions for page 1 then see this post HERE. Again, it can be printed on thin card-stock or scrapbook paper, but for the demonstration I’ve left it on plain white.

…continue reading about Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Craft 2

Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Craft 1


This is one of two boats made for Peter and his friends. It’s a small version and can be made with or without the sail or end-seat insert – though with both it does look rather cute. it’s more sturdy than the bigger boat if you want to use it for games.

I will be using the boats template printout which is available by clicking on this first image, it contains both boat templates so if you want instructions for page 2 then see this post HERE. it can be printed on thin card-stock or scrapbook paper, but for the demonstration I’ve left it on plain white.

…continue reading about Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Craft 1

Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Worksheet

 This is a primarily a discussion sheet, it’s got two versions because older and younger children will have different levels of awareness when it comes to life’s dilemmas.

I believe it is a very important activity for this lesson, for the story is not simply a magic trick Jesus was showing to his mates, it was, and it’s a reflection of our trust and courage in him. Start this activity by saying that this discussion is private, and do keep that promise. It is also important that you give the children the option of taking the papers home with them OR handing them in so that you can pray for their needs during the coming week. Try and be discrete but affirming next time you see them, ‘I’ve been praying for you’ is much better than ‘how’s things with your dad?’

Obviously promises must be made in accordance with the churches policy. I would, for instance, with heavy heart but a clear mind, break the promise if a person was in severe mental or physical danger.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking HERE.

Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Story

If you want the teacher sheet then click HERE

Peter is today’s Bible hero because he showed us courage.

Essential Teachers notes:
Courage can be substituted with bravery if you have very little children, the drama aspect of this story can be very basic or very complex dependant on how much time you spend gathering props. don’t worry if it’s a bit shabby the imagination is a marvellous thing!
Main Passage: Matthew 14
Additional passages : Mark 6, John 6


today’s story is a bit different

it all starts when Jesus told his friends to cross over the Sea of Galilee, he said that they should get the boat ready and he’d see them later, he was going up the mountain to pray. The friends of Jesus got into the boat…

The boat, we need a boat for this story. I have some wood and a sail, will you help me build a boat? (use whatever furniture you have, don’t forget the sail, and check out this page about building story settings, add the cushions inside to sit on) lets all sit in the boat just like Jesus’ friends.

…continue reading about Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Story

Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Games


This a different sort of play post. This lesson is designed to be more theatrical and exploratory than the others and so here are a few free form play ideas for you to work with. These ideas are mostly designed to be used after the story.


Cornflour goo mixture – mix cornflour (sometimes known as corn powder, a very fine white powder) and warm water to create a colloid which you can use as a liquid and a solid. If you fill a seed tray with the mixture then you can walk on the ‘water’ (jumping is even easier) as long as you do so with conviction and speed, just like with Peter, walking knowing God’s supporting you means you can do it, when you stop you sink! Alternatively you can fill a baking dish and place it on a towel and let the children play using their fingers or if you have them – dolls. It’s a very safe mixture, often used in nurseries. If you want to you can dry it out after use for storage but it does tend to smell after a couple of uses.
…continue reading about Peter on water (Matthew 14) | Games


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