Hannah (1 Samuel 1) | Games


The hero in this story is Hannah, she is part of the ‘leaders of God’s people’ series as she built God’s family. Please note this lesson is not about Samuel, but Hannah. Samuel is a separate character.


Tangled Links – Get the children to stand in a tight circle and pass a ball of string from person to person, holding onto the string as it passes through their hands. Once everyone has a bit of the string get the children to untangle themselves.

Hand Relay – Sit with your palms faced up and your left hand under the right hand of your neighbour. Get the first person to say “in my family I have…” and then lifting your right hand tap your neighbours right hand and they mention someone in their family, and pass the tap on.
…continue reading about Hannah (1 Samuel 1) | Games

Martha & Mary (Luke 10) | Character Images


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Martha & Mary (Luke 10)
The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.




Here are a couple of extra’s for those of you who may want to a Mary image, one standing and one sitting.
Please do contact me if you need any other images for this lesson.


Martha & Mary (Luke 10) | Worksheet

 Martha & Mary worksheet
This worksheet about Martha is suitable for older children and has a time allocation activity as well as some discussion questions and prompts. The sheet can be completed individually or in any size group. Try and get the children to be realistic abut how they use their time. It will be easier for children to group similar activities such as mealtimes into one section. Try and continue the conversation even through the activity. Don’t worry about getting the sheet completed, rather linger on the questions and allow the children time to think and reflect on the need to be both Mary and Martha at different points in life.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write and draw with and some colouring pens or pencils.

The PDF can can be downloaded by clicking on the image.

Martha & Mary (Luke 10) | Craft 2


This was designed to hold the biscuits that the children had decorated, but could be used to hold any little token representing the time the children spend with God.

I would recommend printing the PDF on thin card rather than paper. If you wish you can use a long ribbon to tie the box, leaving room to have a handle for the children to slip round their wrists. The PDF contains 2 pages, one with the graphic printed on and another one which is blank for your own design.

…continue reading about Martha & Mary (Luke 10) | Craft 2

Martha & Mary (Luke 10) | Craft 1

When I think of Martha I always imagine her in the kitchen, so I chose to make cookies for this lesson. If you wish you can make these simple cookies with your class (and leave them cooking), or you can cook them in advance for decorating. When teaching this lesson we decided to share the cookies with the congregation after.

I’m not a great cook, and I like recipes with few ingredients so you always know if your kids can or can’t eat them! In the images I make drop cookies, but this recipe is suitable for rolling and using cookie cutters. Do check if your kids have any allergies before you plan this lesson.
Martha cookies

  …continue reading about Martha & Mary (Luke 10) | Craft 1


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