Mordecai (Esther 2) | Games


The hero in this story is Mordecai the loyal advice giver. These simple game ideas can be used, or any from the ‘Purim’ set which includes Esther and the King Xerxes.

Charades – Mordecai was observant so noticed the men plotting to kill the king. Simple charades can be a fun way into this story. Have younger children to act out an everyday task, such as washing up, or doing homework – older children can act out dramatic stories from films.

Haman hats – Traditionally Haman is portrayed as wearing a three point hat. This game uses an old fashioned coathanger (which has three points) worn as a hat. Give each child a hat and a few elastic bands. The aim of the game is to slip an elastic band onto the hook of the coat-hanger someone else is wearing. Only one band can be placed at a time. You may find it helpful to leave a few piles of elastic bands around the room for children to re-stock. (For younger children bend the handle upwards so the bands don’t fall off as they run)
  …continue reading about Mordecai (Esther 2) | Games

Esther (Esther 4) | Worksheet

This worksheet about Esther is a good extension activity sheet. it includes a word unscramble for the two men who advised Esther. The children may want to check the bible to find the correct spelling. Once they have the names they need to match the advice to the person. The lower part of the worksheets (see below) is a board game suitable for 2 or more players. The children will need something to generate random numbers like a die, and some small counters.

If you want to use just the game as a station activity then you can do so by using this sheet. Again the children will need a die, and some small counters.

The PDF’s can be downloaded by clicking on the images.
…continue reading about Esther (Esther 4) | Worksheet

Esther (Esther 4) | Craft


This is an incredibly quick craft to prepare – getting Esther ready to meet the king. I’ve not even included a tutorial as it is self-explanatory.

Simply print on sturdy paper or print on acetate and the you don’t have the fiddly cutting!

Here are the links for the PDF’s
For the template in Colour : 1 page
For the template without colour Black and white : 1 page

NB: Print one per page, as the shoes are lost if printing any smaller.

  …continue reading about Esther (Esther 4) | Craft

Esther (Esther 4) | Story

If you want the teacher sheet then click HERE

Esther is today’s bible hero because she shows us the gift of advice.

Essential Teachers notes:
The story of Esther is the main narrative of the book holding the same name. To simplify it into a story that doesn’t become too much like a Cinderella tale can be a challenge and so this story remains quite long. Obviously there are parts of the story that will be expanded on by looking into the other characters – the story of Mordecai’s loyalty and the kings honouring of others actions are explored in separate lessons available on-site.

Main Passage : Esther 4


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Esther (Esther 4) | Games


The hero in this story is the soon to be Queen Esther. These simple game ideas can be used, or any from the ‘Purim’ set which includes Modecai and the King Xerxes.

Blind beauty – This is a game where your hands are not your own. pair the players and get one to put their hands behind their backs while the other player slips their arms through the loop created under the armpits. give each team a few items of make-up and tell them to make themselves look beautiful for the king. This game is fun as a demonstration piece.

Purim corners – with decorations being an optional, play a game of corners using the four main characters in the Esther story. Have a corner full of chairs for the King on his throne, use girly scarves or accessories for Esther, have a set of beach mats for Mordecai sitting at the kings gate, and musical instruments to down out the name of Haman. (Traditionally when the story of Esther is told in Jewish households they use instruments to down out Haman’s name)
  …continue reading about Esther (Esther 4) | Games


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