Eutychus (Acts 20) | Craft


This is a really simple paper construction that allows you to turn the handle and see Eutychus fall, then open the flap to see Paul arrive to help him. There are no words on this craft so it is suitable for any language. The craft can be made with or without the lift the flap element. You will need one printout and a split pin per child.

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Eutychus (Acts 20) | Character Images


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Eutychus.

Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)






Eutychus (Acts 20) | Story

If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Essential Teachers notes:
This story is told using actions. The simple key words or buzz words are listed at the beginning. This story is either miraculous in it’s healing or it’s fortune, either way doesn’t matter as much as the reassurance of the crowd. Equally Eutychus is in no way to blame for the events, on the contrary, this story shows us that sometimes our human limitations, even when they seem to be hindering us, can be a powerful witness. Lastly, Eutychus is a tough name to pronounce – choose something you can twist your tongue around and stick to it.

Stories are given for inspiration, do use your own words and details

Main Passage : Acts 20
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Early Life of Paul – Escapes | Craft


This is a late addition to the lessons where Paul kept finding himself in trouble because he couldn’t stop talking about Jesus. These word bubbles are really simple and fun to make with any age – you can make them any size, from huge ones for the whole group to work on together to tiny ones for key-rings. I chose to make these about 12x8cm.

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Nicodemus (John 3) | Games


Nicodemus has a lot of different facets to the story, the friendship that continues throughout Johns gospel, the leader who hides from his peers and the two key verses about rebirth and Jesus’s mission.

Matching the body – Using magazine pictures cut the head from the body of the models. Place the heads on one side of the room and the bodies on the other. Have the children match the heads and the bodies. Include at least one baby picture. Link to craft and Nicodemus being confused.

Sneaking through the city – Adaptation of the game ‘Hot lava crossing’ featured in the homefront magazine (May’13 issue, page 12). Lay out a grid on the floor using printer paper. Have the same grid printed on a single sheet of paper and mark out a route from one side to the other. Keeping the route hidden have the children navigate one step at a time, on route you are safe, off route you are discovered. Link to Nicodemus’ journey to find Jesus.
  …continue reading about Nicodemus (John 3) | Games


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