Gaius (3 John) | Games


Reputation is a powerful thing, and this lesson is all about urging our children to have a positive reputation, a welcoming spirit, and be examples of love.

Love notes – This is a treasure hunt game where you hide envelopes. the children need to find the envelopes, read the note inside, and then deliver the note to the person they think most needs to hear the words. They can either do this immediately or by writing the persons name on the outside of the envelope for later delivery.

Legacy footprints – for this game you need a large sheet roll of paper, a marker and some music. The idea of this game is to get the children to walk along the paper doing a dance. The first person steps on the paper and where his foot falls a footprint is drawn, they then dance along to the end. the second person must start on the first persons footprints, and mark their second step, the third person replicates the first and second steps and marks a third. Continue until the whole page is filled with footprints and everyone is doing the same silly dance – footprints can go in any direction.

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Hero Capes | Craft


Heroes are a popular theme for many sessions, and in a recent lesson we talked about the hero’s of old and how we are the Hero’s of today. As a special treat I made these hero capes for the kids in church to have one each to take home.


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Goliath (1 Samuel 17) | Craft 2


For many children’s stories the act of David cutting off Goliath’s head is excluded, but kids cope rather well with, and often downright love, the gruesome. Goliath is the self declared baddie and that his invincibility is cut down to size is rather comical.

This craft could be done with any age and it doesn’t take a lot of preparation beyond a supermarket trip. The biscuits can be hand made or store bought, but they need to have a flat side to work on. Be creative with the decorations, all ingredients can be substitutes, you could even use bread instead or biscuits!

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Goliath (1 Samuel 17) | Worksheet

The aim behind this worksheet is to get the children to mentally wander beyond the facts of the story of Goliath and consider how we are threatened by size. We get to wonder, to ‘tweet’, to put the facts side by side, and then to wonder again. It can be completed with pictures in the place or words if your group finds letters difficult.

To complete this worksheet the children need need colouring pens, pencils or crayons.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the images.

Goliath (1 Samuel 17) | Craft


The crux of what happened to Goliath comes down to an encounter with just 2 characters (plus a shield bearer), and so lends itself to being acted out. Acting out stories where boys throw stones, however, may not be the wisest move, so I’ve gone for finger puppets!

These puppets, unlike traditional soft finger puppets, are designed to wear with the head at the opposite end to the finger tip. While this is placed in the Make section it is beast done in small groups with each group making one set of puppets to acts out the story. The Goliath puppet can be made without the legs if you have children under the age of 7.

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