Andrew (Matthew 4) | Games


Andrew’s lesson has 2 main symbols, that of fishing for men, and the idea of discipleship. The lessons emphasis can be bolstered with the choice of games and craft activities, as long as at the end of each game you take a moment to highlight the teaching point.

Magnet men – this is a traditional and a good one. Make up fishing poles using dowel, string, and a magnet hook. Then cut out some small man shapes and slide a paper-clip around their waist. A quick time-saver is to cut a people paper chain and then divide it up. Add a twist by writing a task for the child to fulfil on each paper man.

Imitation – this game is as simple as it’s title. Choose someone to copy and for 30 seconds copy everything they do or say. Use a timer so it can be ended easily, older children will pick up more delicate expressions and mannerisms. You can make it more silly by having the person move about the room.

…continue reading about Andrew (Matthew 4) | Games

Andrew (Matthew 4) | Worksheet

Andrew Andrew answers
This Andrew worksheet looks at the idea of Rabbi and Disciple. It first examines what a rabbi is and then looks at how we can become like our Rabbi Jesus. The worksheet is best completed in small groups. There is a second PDF for younger children which contains the bible verse answers in a simplified form. these can be used as a cut and stick activity. For very young children simply have the children match colours, for older children read the full verse and have them find the correct simplification.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write with and a full bible. You may also choose to have some colouring pencils to add some clothes to our disciple.

The PDF’s can can be downloaded by clicking on the relevant image.


Andrew (Matthew 4) | Craft 1

As Andrew was the first called to be a ‘fisher of men’ alongside his brother Simon-Peter, I couldn’t resist giving him a couple fish-hooks on his character image and making this really simple hanging craft. fishers of men

  …continue reading about Andrew (Matthew 4) | Craft 1

Andrew (Matthew 4) | Story

If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is Andrew, because he shows us the gift of a Disciple

Essential Teachers notes:
While the idea of fishing is very easy for children to comprehend the idea of discipleship is sometimes a bit harder. How is following Jesus different from following your favourite celebrity? This story is an explanation of what discipleship really meant, culminating in the iconic fishing for men idea. Remember, this is just a guide, tell the story in your own voice.

Main Passage : Matthew 4
Additional Passages : John 1

—————————————- …continue reading about Andrew (Matthew 4) | Story

Andrew (Matthew 4) | Character Images

Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Apostle Andrew (Matthew 4).

Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)











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