Magi (Matthew 2) | Games


The Magi, also known as the wise men or even the kings have such a great back story. By calling them Magi we distinguish them as different from the other learned men and kings of scripture. A Magus (plural Magi) is literally a Persian priest, a priest whose knowledge came from magic and stargazing. They were holy men whose lives search for divinity. The great hope they hold is that even when you are looking in the wrong places God can reach you. These games focus more on the search and less on Herod and his part played in the narrative.

I see God in that – Lay the following objects on the floor, also print or write out the statements. The children then need to match the object to the statement. End by saying that sometimes God can be found in unusual places. Alternatively, while this is a bit of a gag game, getting the youngsters to make up their own reasons is a great way to stretch older children.

Bottle of water – He washes our sins away
Egg box – Jesus chose 12 disciples we don’t have to do things alone
Pushpins – Jesus was held on the cross
Hairbrush – God loves us so much he knows how many hairs are on our head
Sunglasses – When Moses saw God his face shone
Fan – The Holy spirit comes like the wind
Circle – God’s love is eternal, it will never end
Key – Becoming a Christian is like giving God the key to your heart

Feel free to add your own!
…continue reading about Magi (Matthew 2) | Games

Magi (Matthew 2) | Character Images

Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to the Magi (Matthew 2).

Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.
I’ve included extras here with the single characters.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)


English – scroll down for extras








Extra’s – separate graphics (English only)




Magi (Matthew 2) | Story

If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s heroes are the Magi because they shows us the gift of a Hope

Essential Teachers notes:
We don’t know if they were kings, but we often call them that, or if they were totally wise, I’m sure many thought them foolish to try such a mission, we don’t even know how many they were and if they were exclusively men. The story of the Magi is a fantastic story about how God calls people from outside the walls of our religion, how he uses sometimes unlikely sources of information, and how slim hopes and pipe-dreams can come about. It’s a story of perseverance, about acceptance, about seeking, and about holding onto hopes, if you really believe them to be true.

Main Passage : Matthew 2

—————————————- …continue reading about Magi (Matthew 2) | Story

Magi (Matthew 2) | Craft 2


This is the second part of the JWL little nativity scene. It comes with the disclaimer that while it’s not robust enough to store from one year to the next it is rather darling, and it’s based on the more traditional viewpoint hence the camels and three male magi.


…continue reading about Magi (Matthew 2) | Craft 2

Just for reference :

maternity leave
Adam David was born on October 22nd, a beautiful first child who is transforming our lives.



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