Samson – Delilah (Judges 16)| Craft 3


Samson is a formidable character and this craft shows off his lovely braids, all seven of them (Judges 16:13). Seven is the number of greatest power in the Jewish tradition and repeated throughout the story. Grab your colouring instruments and some bootlaces and prepare to play hairdresser!

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Samson – Delilah (Judges 16)| Games


Samson’s story is a story of trust, trust laid in the wrong places, trust to keep promises that are repetitively broken, trust to protect the nation. These games either stem from specific events of the story or from that central idea of trust.

Trust tunnel – Have the children make 2 parallel lines to form a tunnel. One child will run along this tunnel and the last people on the line will catch them. Make sure the last people on each line as both sensible and strong enough. To make this a trust tunnel the runner must be blindfolded.

Samson flip cards – Print and play with your Samson cards. Lay out the cards face down and have the youngsters take turns to look for pairs. If using before the story then have the children hold up each card as the person/symbol is mentioned in the story. If using after the story, when a pair is found, have the child say how the character / symbol appeared in the story.
…continue reading about Samson – Delilah (Judges 16)| Games

Samson – Delilah (Judges 16)| Game


Here we go again… This little flip card ‘match up’ game is perfect for highlighting the elements from the story of Samson and Delilah – there is also a version for the earlier story of Samson’s parents HERE

Includes a character picture of Samson, Delilah, a loom, bow strings (and bows), rope, a pillar, blind bald Samson, and a plait of hair.

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Samson – Delilah (Judges 16)| Craft 1


This is a crazy craft that’s so simple to do, quite unique for each child and bound to bring smiles to a group. Samson was known for his long hair and that’s just what we are making, Samson paper hair styles!

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Samson – Delilah (Judges 16)| Worksheet

Samson – Delilah
This Samson worksheet is a good way of recapping on the story. It’s a very full worksheet that looks beyond the Delilah story to encompass the whole 4 chapters of Judges. Starting with the Nazirite promise and ending with giving Samson a new hairstyle the children are encouraged to look up, sketch, solve and ponder their way through the story. This worksheet is best done in a group and one activity is discussion based, though it would be easily completed as an independent activity with a small amount of adult input.

To complete this worksheet the children need need a bible, colouring pens, pencils or crayons.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the images.


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